Divorce certificate attestation in Dubai is the process of having a divorce certificate verified by authorized departments or authorities with their official stamp and signature. This process confirms that the mentioned department issued the divorce certificate and that its stamp and signature are genuine.
Attestation of a divorce certificate is required if you want to use your divorce certificate for legal reasons in the UAE or other countries.
Details Included in a Divorce Certificate
✔️ Identities of the parties✔️ The terms of their separation✔️ The court-granted wages✔️ The date of divorce✔️ Other relevant information
Importance of Divorce Certificate Attestation in Dubai
Government agencies are responsible for certifying divorce certificates. If a divorced person wants to marry someone from another country, their home country must first approve the certificate. Similarly, the divorce certificate must be certified when a single parent applies for permanent residency or updates their name on official documents.
Purposes of Obtaining Divorce Certificate Attestation in UAE
It can be used for various purposes, such as changing the name of a bank nominee. Divorce certificate attestation verifies the document’s validity.
Reasons for attesting your divorce certificate in UAE:
✔️ Change the name on your passport and other official documents✔️ For marriage with a new partner✔️ Visa applications for foreign countries (where applicable)✔️ To make changes to your insurance policy’s beneficiaries✔️ Any other legal reason